Currently Reading & Recommendations

Currently Reading & Recommendations

I'm an avid reader, I usually have a few books going at once. I like to think over what I've read so it helps me to jump to a different book instead of plowing through one quickly. Below are all the books I'm working through (I'm always reading a work of fiction as well, usually sci-fi or fantasy).
Here's what's on my desk and nightstand now (in the order I started reading them).

Just Listen

Discover the secret of getting through to absolutely anyone
by Mark Goulston
Why I'm reading this: I was listening to the Software Social podcast and they had Alex Hillman on who mentioned this book. He says it's his non-business book he recommends for people in business. It's written by a former FBI hostage negotiation trainer.


Ordinary People, Extraordinary Products
by Marty Cagan with Chris Jones
Why I'm reading this: Marty Cagan is the OG product manager. Empowered speaks to more than just what a great product is, but how to empower teams to make them. H
Empowered Notes


A Flaw in Human Judgement
by Daniel Kahneman
Why I'm reading this: I'm quite curios and interested in decision sciences and behavior theory. Noise explores these concepts. Having led many teams, personally experienced how the luck of the draw (on who takes on the work, be it a new feature or just a support call) can have dramatic differences in outcome; I'm personally drawn to this books subject.

Books I've Read & Actually Recommend

A far shorter list than I've read. (Note — the links are not affiliate links)

Atomic Habits

An easy & proven way to build good habits & break bad ones
by James Clear | Amazon
I read this because daughter was assigned this by her college soccer coach and said it was really good. So I picked it up found it to be quite insightful. I don't normally read self-help books, so I almost said no, but I'm really glad I didn't. In truth Atomic Habits is more than "how to build good habits" but provides examples of how our identity is interwoven with habits, both intentionally and unintentionally.

Demand-Side Sales 101

Stop selling and help your customers make progress
by Bob Moesta | Amazon
Why I read this: I'm a HUGE fan of Jobs to be Done Theory, thus I'm a huge fan of Bob Moesta. So when I heard about this book I bought it immediately. Demand-Side Sales is a misleading book name, in truth its about unlocking what your customer really wants by better understanding their root motivations. I consider this a must read for anyone aspiring to have a software business.

Don’t Make Me Think - Revisisted

A Common Sense Approach to Web and Mobile Usability
by Steve Krug | Amazon
Have you ever wondered why some apps feel natural to use and others are a lesson in futility and frustration? It’s quite likely because someone put thought into what they are asking a user to do. I first read this book in the early 2000’s and found it a breadth of fresh air. What’s amazing is the book still is a UX must read today. So if you want to master the art of usability, so your customers thank you instead of hate you, give this a read.

Sid Meier’s MEMOIR!

A Life in Computer Games
by Sid Meier | Amazon
While I wish he had gone deeper into some of his technical insights the book remains a fantastic view into an industry many young computer science majors wish to get into, but few do. Sid’s career is far more varied than I realized, but as a huge fan of his Civ and Pirates! games I found it a fascinating peek behind the curtains. Even if it left me wanting to know more.
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